Signs Of Bad Veneers And What To Look Out For (2025)

Are you considering having veneers and want to know what bad veneers look like? Maybe you are concerned about your current veneers and want to know what signs of bad veneers you should look out for. Veneers are an expensive treatment for many patients, so you want to be sure you are getting the very best and know the signs of bad veneers that you should be on the lookout for.

Our guide today walks you through the common signs of bad veneers, what you should look out for, and your options if your veneers aren't correctly applied or you encounter any issues with them.

Veneer Treatment Types To Choose From

Like many other dentists, we offer several veneer treatments that you can choose from. We recommend familiarising yourself with each treatment to decide which is best for you and your smile goals.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain, or traditional veneers, involves adding a thin, porcelain shell to the front of your teeth. These will hide cosmetic concerns, like chips and cracks, giving you a whiter and straighter smile.

Porcelain veneers are super durable and will last ten to twenty years, depending on how well you care for them. There is extensive preparation work before the veneers can be attached, where your teeth are significantly filed down. This makes porcelain veneers irreversible, and you will need to maintain and replace them to enjoy normal tooth function.

You can learn more about theporcelain veneertreatment to see if it's the right option for you.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are becoming increasingly popular as they are cheaper and quicker to install than porcelain veneers. A thin layer of resin is applied directly to your teeth before being sculpted to create your new smile.

There is less preparation work involved than with porcelain veneers, as your teeth are lightly filed before the rein is applied. Once sculpted, we cure and polish the resin, helping them feel and function like natural teeth. Composite veneers can last for five to seven years, depending on how well you care for them and do not need to be replaced if you don't want to.

Learn more about our composite veneer treatment options.

Signs Of Bad Veneers

A few clear signs allow you to spot bad veneers, helping you quickly identify an issue and rectify it. But what are you looking for? Pain, unnatural appearance, gaps, and misalignment are common signs of bad veneers. We have details on all the common signs so you can spot bad veneers quickly.

Pain Or Discomfort

One of the most common signs of bad veneers is pain or discomfort. Correctly fitted veneers should feel natural and comfortable. You should not experience discomfort or pain when speaking, chewing, or biting. If you do, your veneers are probably too thick or misaligned. Veneers placed too close to the gum line can cause inflammation and irritation, leaving you with pain or discomfort.

Unnatural Appearance

An unnatural look with your veneers is another sign of bad veneers. Your veneers might be the wrong shade, standing out against your natural teeth, be too small or too large, making it obvious that they are not your natural teeth. These veneers might look flat or opaque, giving the impression of fake teeth.

Stained Veneers

Your veneers should be stain resistant, but this isn't always the case. Poor quality veneers should not have any discolouration or stains and you should speak to your dentist about this. Your veneers can also become stained if you do not care for them properly, which is why maintenance is so important.

Any brown lines, yellowing, or teeth losing their whiteness can be a sign of stained and discoloured veneers.

Gaps Or Margins

Gaps between your veneers and teeth are a sign they were not fitted correctly. These gaps or margins can impact the appearance of your veneers but can also cause serious problems. Food can become trapped in these gaps, increasing your risk of decay or gum decay and impacting your oral health and veneers.

Leakage On Your Gumline

Another sign of bad veneers is leaks on your gumline, which can happen when your veneers are not properly sealed to your tooth. This provides space for bacteria to grow under your veneer, causing decay and irritation.

You might notice sensitivity near your gumline and discolouration, which can be a sign of leakage.

Chipped Or Cracked Veneers

Despite their durable design, veneers can crack occasionally. There are a few causes for this, including incorrect placement, or poor quality materials. If your veneers are damaged soon after being placed, this can be a sign that your veneers have not been installed correctly.

Another cause of chipped or cracked veneers can be teeth grinding. If you grind your teeth, a custom nightguard should be worn, protecting both your veneers and natural teeth.

Poor Fit Or Misalignment

Poorly fitting veneers can take many forms. You might look in the mirror and see crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, or veneers that do not fit the contour of your natural teeth. Not only will this leave you with discomfort, but it can cause long-term damage to your teeth and jaw.

Poorly fitting or misaligned veneers can also cause temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. This can be a serious issue if not addressed, so reach out to your dentist immediately if you are concerned about your veneers being misaligned.

Gum Swelling Or Recession

If your gums are not placed correctly or are poorly fitted, they can cause swelling, bleeding, or gum recession. Your gums can feel painful and pull away from your teeth. Gum recession can cause bacteria to grow in the gaps between your veneers and teeth, causing gum diseases.

What Can I Do With Bad Veeners?

If you have noticed any issues with your dental veneers, you should speak to a dentist immediately. There are a few things cosmetic dentistry can do to help you with bad veneers to help improve your smile and gum health. We have outlined a step-by-step guide below you can follow should you experience bad veneers.

1. Speak To A Dentist

First, you must arrange a consultation with a cosmetic dentist like us at Gorgeous Smiles. You want someone experienced who can evaluate your current veneers, identify the cause of your issues, and recommend a treatment plan to help rectify your concerns.

You can expect to be asked about the symptoms you are experiencing and have some scans or impressions to help your dentist see what is going on and the possible causes.

2. Explore Your Options

We can sometimes reshape or adjust composite veneers, resolving the problem and restoring full use to your mouth. The best option for porcelain veneers and, in most cases, composite veneers is a new set.

We will remove your current veneers, take impressions, and make custom veneers that match your shade, fit your mouth correctly, and help you achieve your dream smile. Patients with porcelain veneers will likely be given temporary veneers while they wait for their new shells so they won't need to be in discomfort any longer.

3. Choose The Right Material

When replacing your bad veneers, we recommend spending some time discussing your options with your dentist to choose the right material for you. Not every veneer is created equal, and you don't want to go through the removal and replacement of veneers only for them to chip or discolour again.

Let your dentist recommend the best materials and techniques that can be used to help you create your dream smile that will last. We offer several types of veneers to help you achieve the perfect smile without worrying about longevity.

4. Follow Aftercare Procedures

Proper care for your veneers is the best way to ensure your veneers last and look good! Alongside brushing and flossing daily, you should attend regular dental checkups where we can assess your oral health and identify any potential issues lately. Our aftercare guidelines will help you to better care for your veneers and help them last longer.

5. Consider Investing In Your Smile

While the cheaper option can be appealing, we think it's worth considering investing in your smile. By spending more on porcelain and high-quality materials veneers, you can avoid the discomfort of poorly fitting ones and reduce the chance of any issues by choosing the best veneers available.

While the higher cost can be off-putting for some patients, we offer several payment plans that allow you to spread the cost, providing you with the best veneers for your perfect smile.

Book A Consultation To See How We Can Repair Your Bad Veneers

Bad veneers can be easy to spot and can potentially cause a lot of pain and long-term damage to your smile. But that does not mean you need to settle and accept this. Reach out to book a consultation with us to see what we can do for your veneers. In a few appointments, we can restore your smile to its former glory, giving you durable veneers that will last for years without pain or discomfort. What are you waiting for? Book your appointment today!

Signs Of Bad Veneers And What To Look Out For (2025)
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